Search, Social Media and Video Marketing
- One Semester or equivalent
On-campus unit delivery combines face-to-face and digital learning.
Aims and objectives
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
1. Critically Evaluate search engine technology and search engine optimization of web and mobile pages and landing pages.
2. Plan, budget, execute, report and optimise a search engine marketing campaign.
3. Analyse the structure and function of major social networking platforms.
4. Plan, budget, execute, report and optimise a social campaign.
5. Analyse the structure and function of major video platforms
6. Plan, budget, execute, report and optimise a video campaign.
Courses with unit
BA-ARTPROF Bachelor of Arts (Professional)
BB-ARTBUS1 Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Business
BB-ARTSC Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
BB-EDSART Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts
BB-LAWART Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts
BA-MCMN Bachelor of Media and Communication
BA-MCMPROF Bachelor of Media and Communication (Professional)
BB-DESMCMN Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Media and Communication
BB-HSCMCMN Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Media and Communication
BB-LAWMCM Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Media and Communication
BB-MCMNBUS Bachelor of Media and Communication/Bachelor of Business
BA-SCRPRD Bachelor of Screen Production
Unit information in detail
- Teaching methods, assessment, general skills outcomes and content.
Teaching methods
This unit will involve up to 150 hours of work including:
Type (On-campus) | Hours per week | Number of Weeks | Total |
Face to Face Contact Lecture Tutorial | Ìý 2 1 | Ìý 12 12 | Ìý 24 12 |
Online Contact | N/A | Ìý | Ìý |
Specified Learning Activities Completion of accountability tasks, readings, attendance of meetings, completion of online modules. | 8 | 12 | 96 Ìý |
Unspecified Learning Activities Independent study, project planning, document preparation | 1.5 | 12 Ìý | 18 Ìý |
TOTAL | Ìý | Ìý | 150 hours/12.5cp |
Individual or Group task | Weighting | Assesses attainment of these ULOs | |
Research Report | Individual | 25% | 1 |
Assignment | Individual | 30% | 1, 2, 4, 6 |
Major Assignment | Group | 45% | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
General skills outcomes
• Analysis Skills
• Teamwork Skills
• Communication Skills
• Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems
• Ability to work independently
• Keywords and search optimised content.
• Organic search engine optimisation.
• Search engine marketing – techniques and strategies.
• Structure and function of social media platforms.
• Creating and targeting social media campaigns.
• Social media “listening” – monitoring social campaigns.
• Structure and function of online video platforms.
• Planning and executing a video advertising campaign.
• Making video content findable - keyword, title tag and description text for video platforms.
• Video marketing metrics.
• Reporting results of digital marketing campaigns.
Study resources
- Reading materials.